Thursday, 30 August 2012


Margaret and Mervyn Thomas with Don Green - Visit to Tanzania.

Thursday Sept 13th 2012

Leaving London Heathrow Terminal 5  BA 000047  19:20

Friday Sept 14th.
We plan to arrive Dar Es Salaam Friday morning  after an overnight flight and spend the day with Sayuni and Phanuel Shekihiyo who manage the internal distribution of Operation Tanzania boxes in Tanzania.     Much to discuss re the new container which will then be on the way.   Need to decide distribution details and finances.

Saturday Sept 15th.
 Fly to Mbeya in the morning arriving about 11.00am. Visit the Market garden project and Chicken Farm.
Get donated Laptop set up with mobile broadband.   Start Training with Riziki

Sunday Sept 16th 
Sunday morning at Bethel Church.  (One service 3 or 4 hours  -  planning second service)
Get started informally on Accounts training with help from University CT lecturers
(friends of Edward Mhone who have been helping Riziki learn Excel)
Meet with JK, Riziki, Nsubili, JP, Edward and families -  leaders at the church.

Monday Sept 17th.
Training continuing -   Mervyn with Riziki.   Don/Margaret learning about chicken production, education of Mbeya orphans,  maximising use of the land we bought. Margaret meeting with Rose  to understand what it is like being a Pastor's wife.
Meet with the team to discuss Church life and Church planting.

Tuesday Sept 18th
Training Continuing  with all of us visiting Dhaga Orphans in the afternoon.   Check out the dormitory we provided and no doubt come away with a new list of needs.
Meet with team to consider and pray for the future and where best to support.

Wednesday Sept 19th
Bus to Iringa and stay at Neema Crafts. Visit workshop for disabled.  Meet Bishop Joseph   and Canon Laurant to arrange details of visits to projects and Amani Bible School

Thursday Sept 20th.
With Bishop Joseph  visiting Amani Bible School (Mote) which runs a computer class to provide income for the School  (Computers provided from Brickhill).
Visit Kilola project (possibly our star SSB).     Margaret to meet key people in Iringa receiving our OpTan boxes.

Friday Sept 21st
Car to  Ruaha Border where Ruaha diocese has substantial agri projects , some funded by Brickhill.  See the new banana plantation.  Meet car from Morogo and then go to to Morogoro  through game reserve. 
Meeting with Bishop Godfrey and Canon Himily   re self sustaining  Projects and               Operation Tanzania.

Saturday Sept 22nd
Visit a Morogoro mission site on the way by Car to Boko where Phanuel lives.
Overnight stop.

Sunday Sept 23rd.
Early morning to Airport for BA 0046  departs 8.45 arrive London 16:35