Composing this on the flight home so this is necessarily a preliminary and personal (Mervyn's) thoughts. Later on I will combine with Don's and Margarets.
The word on us from the prayer meeting was "discerment and not to hold back from saying some hard words"
This indeed happened and we each discerned the same thing and said things that Jonathan must have found difficult to receive. These were said in several different ways and at different times. The outcome eventually was very positive and we will elaborate further at a later time.
The accounts/business training went much further than I had hoped as Risiki's preparation and facility to learn was very high.
Bethel church is moving slowly towards being self sustaining if only it would stop Church Planting!! We met with 12 pastors who have or who are about to plant at Iringa, Morogoro and Dar and other places towards Malawi. Bethel tries to support the men at least in the short term. Rented accomodation for living and meeting has moved to 6 months in advance minimum. This plus the capital for income generation, has become a critical issue. It has only just occurred to me that Jesus sent out several evangelists at a time but not singly. Paul never went alone it seems (a simple pragmatic truth for them and us)
They are doing well but the extended facilities have not been completed.
They have a list of priorities:
Finish the 3 dorms.
Toilet block(s). Currently one toilet for 200 people.
A field to grow food and to provide work for the teenagers.
A motor bike for emergency travel to hospital and income - noticed this time, motorbikes being used as taxis and goods carrying.
A freezer to facilitate a lollipop business for Mrs Forman!
Iringa and Morogoro
Still appreciative of Optan. Our fame has spread to other UK churches! They are thrilled at the number of computers we are shipping.
SSP's now called microfinance very much appreciated and going very well among hundreds of pastors with the Bishops and other leaders personally involved with their own loans. Has become a vital ingredient in Church planting. We need to learn from them about how to plant strategically and support embryo chuches well.
The next push at both places is to extend the scheme to "evangelists". There are three times as many of them! These men are the key to Church growth and are paid nothing.
Dar es Salaam and the Pentecostal Connection
Phanuel and Sayuni who manage Optan for us in Tanzania are towers of strength and spiritual maturity. If allowed they would have much to offer both our Newfrontiers friends at Mbeya and our Anglican friends right through the country. We find them so useful when cultural issues come up.
Phanuel has asked me to consider returning and if I can find someone else to share the work, to put on a "Church Administration including Finance" course at his Bible College (30 students) and then to the annual Pentecostal Pastors retreat (200+). They believe that effective administration is a challenge to their denomination and churches and is something that they need in order to grow. Daunting! Any offers?
Is firing on 6 cylinders about his visit. He will have much to impart and I would like the next Blog to be his impressions of Tanzania from his first visit. I expect it to be a long one!
Nearly the end
AJ picked us up and we are safely home. I have now tidied up the blog, removed all the silly errors (composing on a mobile is almost too much!) Let me know if there are any left!
We will add a conclusion when we have reported to the Elders in a few weeks time having come down from the high of the visit. I am expecting there to be much that will emerge over the next few months.
In my few words of swahili,
Asante sana.
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